Names are important. And naming things can be a lot of fun. Names conjure up feelings and emotions and even expectations. Here at OCLC we’re excited about a new ILL product that we’re developing with the help of the OCLC resource sharing community. And we want a name that captures the energy and teamwork that you, our members, bring to the cooperative.
As a unique membership cooperative, OCLC relies on your input for all kinds of things. Members provide feedback on product development, plans, road maps and features—as is the case for this new service. We also solicit ideas for events and programs. Our research depends on feedback from many libraries all over the world. And so we thought, let’s ask the community: what do YOU think we should name the product?
We started with teams of OCLC staff doing some brainstorming. Out of hundreds of ideas, we’ve narrowed it down to three. We gave a representative from each team 30 seconds to pitch their team’s idea, which you can see in the videos below.
Help OCLC name a new ILL service! Click To TweetNow we need to know what you think! Click on the survey link to complete a (very) quick poll and pick your favorite. There’s also a spot where you can make a suggestion of your own. The selection will be announced at ALA Midwinter in Atlanta next January, and then shared more broadly with the community. Please respond by end of day Tuesday, November 22.
Thank you in advance for your input and for all that you do for our cooperative!
Share your comments and questions on Twitter with hashtag #OCLCnext.