Peter Sidorko

University Librarian, The University of Hong Kong

Peter has been involved in OCLC Regional and Global Councils since 2011. He has enjoyed a career in academic libraries spanning 30 years and is currently the University Librarian at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). In this position, he has full responsibility for leading and directing all aspects of the HKU Libraries network of six libraries. Peter is a past Chair of JULAC (the Joint University Librarians Advisory Committee), a forum to discuss, coordinate and collaborate on library information resources and services among the libraries of the eight tertiary education institutions funded by the University Grants Committee in Hong Kong. He is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the JULAC Joint Universities Research Archive, the company established to govern JULAC’s joint storage facility.

Peter is also a past President-elect of the Hong Kong Library Association, serving from 2011–2012. He is a member of the Board of Directors of CLOCKSS; a former Board member of the NDLTD (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations); a member of the Elsevier Asia-Pacific Library Advisory Board (2014–present), the Wiley Asia-Pacific Library Advisory Board, and a member of the Steering Committee of the Pacific Rim Research (formerly Digital) Library Alliance (PRRLA, formerly PRDLA). His research interests include library management and leadership, user behaviors, information literacy and learning spaces and he has published widely in these areas. His most recent publication is the co-authored Leadership Development of Asian Librarians: The Longitudinal Impact of HKU Annual Library Leadership Institute (Library Management, 37 (4/5) 243–264). He has also presented at almost 100 conferences and seminars, several of which have been published as proceedings. Peter's interest in effective management and leadership in libraries led to the establishment of the University of Hong Kong's Annual Library Leadership Institute in 2003, aimed at developing leadership qualities in Asian librarians, and now in its 13th year of operation. Peter was also a Faculty member of the EDUCAUSE Australasian Leadership Institute between 2001 and 2003.

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