Roy Tennant
OCLC, Senior Program Officer
Roy works on projects related to improving the technological infrastructure of libraries, museums and archives. Specific areas in which he is active are OCLC Web Services, the OCLC Developer Network, and TAICHI (Technical Advances for Innovation in Cultural Heritage Institutions).
Prior to joining OCLC Research in May 2007, Roy worked for the University of California for more than 20 years, first at UC Berkeley, then the California Digital Library. His experience included managing the process for UC Berkeley libraries to automate circulation, establishing the first Digital Library SunSITE, and launching the eScholarship Repository and eScholarship Editions for the California Digital Library.
Roy is the owner of the Web4Lib and XML4Lib electronic discussions, and the creator and editor of Current Cites, a current awareness newsletter published every month for nearly 25 years. He has written five books on technology in libraries, wrote a column for Library Journal for ten years, and has numerous articles in other professional journals and magazines.
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