Share your library space pictures!

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Since last October, libraries have been sharing pictures of their spaces with us for us to pass along on Twitter and Facebook. We’ve gotten some great pictures—many thanks to everyone who has been contributing. We’ve seen folks in the community sharing and liking these so we wanted to put them in one place for you to see.

Beautiful pictures of libraries! Do you have a #LibrarySpaces photo to share? Share on X

If you’d like to add your picture to our collection and maybe see it featured in the future, send a photo (minimum size 1920 x 1080; JPG, please) to Please also include a brief caption with the name of the library, city and country. By submitting photos this way, you confirm that you own the image rights and agree to OCLC’s use of them in digital and print marketing and communications.

So many great library spaces, so many great pictures. Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing yours!



Koo Chen-Fu Memorial Library at NTU College of Social Sciences in Taipei, Taiwan


Pilgrim Library at Defiance College in Defiance, Ohio, USA



Amistad Research Center at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA



Houston Cole Library at Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, Alabama, USA



Deakin University Library in Geelong Waurn Ponds, Australia



Douglas and Judith Krupp Library at Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island, USA



Moraine Valley Community College Library in Palos Hills, Illinois, USA



University of Sheffield Library in Sheffield, England, UK



Birmingham Public Library in Birmingham, Alabama, USA


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Bowling Green State University Libraries in Bowling Green, Ohio, USA



Rena M. Carlson Library at Clarion University in Clarion, Pennsylvania, USA



Roesch Library at the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, USA



Howell Carnegie District Library in Howell, Michigan, USA



Mount Holyoke College Reading Room in South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA



Oregon State Library in Salem, Oregon, USA